Nope. I asked for some sort of evidence that would point to the
likelyhood of God; after you define exactly what you mean by "God."
Prove to me that Man went to the Moon! ....
Again, I am not asking for Proof. IDIOT!
There is no generic "god", but these are mostly Christian NGs you
posting to, so you may be inquiring about the God of Christ. We can't
explain the term any better than with Christ's holy and inerrant words
spoken to a frankly skeptical Philip below.
===>In other words, you explain your fictional deity
by using the words attributed to a fictional character found
in a piece of fiction. WOW!
That is so Sheepherder fake "pastor" Frank-ish!! -- L.
You keep posting your blasphemies and hate to Christian NGs, Libertine.
Will you please post your atheist clap-trap to atheist and hate groups
instead. I will post you over to some, who will love to have you